Eagerly Desire the Gift of Prophecy!

Corinthians 1, Everyday New Testament Add comments
…eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy. (v1)

Desirable Gifts

1. To prophecies (or preach) is to build up (inspire, strengthen), comfort (reaffirm, adding power), and exhort (encourage, guide) disciples. (v3)

2. Opening the way for preaching to outsiders and non-believers, reminds us of our own fates, and keeps us mindful of our lives under God’s ruling. (v24)

Scripture of the Day: 1 Corinthians 14a


* Please remember Mongolia in your prayers! — 11 university students – 11 young hearts – have recently headed to Mongolia, a country of less than 2% Christians, to spread the love of God.  Xin/阿昕 from Hong Kong has safely returned after 24 days to share the Lord’s work:



* How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! (Psalm 139:17)

Psalm 138-141: We cannot control the pleasures and pains in our lives, and neither can we foretell them; but we can only know of God’s eternal love, that He would not abandon that which He created.

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