Mercy Extends!

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
His mercy extends to those who fear Him, from generation to generation.

Wonderful arrangement – the gospel starts from 4 touching names:
1. Zacharias – God will remember! (1:5)
2. Elizabeth – God’s oath! (1:5)
3. John – God’s grace! (1:13)
4. Jesus – God’s salvation!! (1:31)
Heaven and earth change, but the Most High God still remembers us. He is still granting grace and salvation according to His covenant today!

* Sun Kang-I,??? who has been the professor of Faculty of Arts of the Yale University, recalled the story about his father Paul Sun. Paul was against Jesus , having torn the Bible for 3 times! But after his forties he met God with a pure heart, and he just changed another person: he got up & prayed at 4 a.m.; he went “crazy” on Bible studying till old age. People called him “Bible encyclopedia”! He quoted a poetry by an anonymous to expressed his heart- feeling:
…I cannot understand, but I can trust, for the perfect comfort brings, I cannot see the end, the hidden meaning of each trail sent… I cannot see the end, but I can trust…

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