Guide me!

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus…

How can we encounter the Lord? – 3 factors:
1. Be familiar in Lord’s words (v.29-33)
2. Obey God’s will (v.29)
3. Be filled with the Spirit (v.27)
Simeon was upright & feared God, waiting for Lord’s coming(at any time).

* Successful Chinese businessman David C. Lam said that faith granted him certainty & joy down in his heart, also an optimistic attitude & positive world view. How to view & explain the world is extremely important in daily life. Our faith should be connected with daily life, actively participate in life while walking with God. When Lam was 60 ,his business kingdom was at the peak, but he sold all his assets over the world , donated much of his wealth, amounting to several millions, to charities. Then he spends his remaining life to Bible study & serve the community.

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