The Perishable Tent, The Eternal House!

Corinthians 2, Everyday New Testament Add comments
Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling… (v.2)

Crucial vs Trivial

1. Trivial the Body — Paul uses “Earthly Tent” to describe our earthly bodies. We are but travellers in this life, why do we take it so seriously? (v1)

2. Crucial our Will — To have hope in the next life, to carefully keep our current life, to “make it our goal to please Him”, this was Paul’s outlook on life.(v9)

Scripture of the Day (NT):  II Corinthians 5


* Good news from the church in Sydney, Australia – The saints are serving together in one heart for the Lord, with many new people being raised to lead the church. Six saints have taken on important roles in the church, as if taking over the Ark of the Covenant. The Lord has also moved everybody to spread the Gospel; from April onwards, there have been frequent gospel meetings in both English and Chinese simultaneously. Bro. Philip CHEN/陳萬程 and Joseph and other elderly Bros. are much delighted. Please pray for the Lord to move in Australia!


* The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him. (Proverbs 23:24)

Proverbs 21-24: Educating children is the duty of a righteous person. A faithful person raises a faithful next generation. For children to become wise is to repay one’s parents.

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