God’s Jealousy Is Like Flame That Burns Fiercely!

Corinthians 2, Everyday New Testament Add comments
For I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy…(v2)


1. Paul’s Jealousy – “I am jealous…a godly jealousy”. It is man’s betrayal of God that stirred up Paul’s spirit. (v2)

2. Paul’s Mission – “for I espoused you to one husband”.  Paul devoted his life to match-make this spiritual marriage. (v3)

Scripture of the Day (NT):  II Corinthians 11


* Explorer, Brother Bear GRYLLS talks about the survival in the Arctic: keep warm, build a shelter, make snow rod and snow shoes, never lose faith. He referred to the air disaster in the Andes back in 1972. 16 survivors were able to get through 72 days in the snow, all because one man suggested to build a snow wall to keep out the strong wind and survived. Now, living in the cold end times, if we leave God’s given shelter – the church, it is like committing suicide!


* …eat thy bread with joy, and drink…with a merry heart; for God hath already accepted thy works. (Ecclesiastes 9:7)

Ecclesiastes 9-12: Life is short and unpredictable. Death reminds us: seize the moment while you can, this is God’s gift.

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