Stern Words, Warm Heart!

Corinthians 2, Everyday New Testament Add comments
…brethren…be perfected; be comforted; be of the same mind; live in peace…(v11)

Last Words

1. Prayer – Clear conscience before God, comfort by God, brothers in oneness and harmony – these are the conditions for God’s presence. (v11)

2. Blessing – The grace of the Lord, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit – are the holy trio, accompanying us through life. (v14)

Scripture of the Day (NT): II Corinthians 13


* Letter from the church in Yunnan after the earthquake: “All is well. My wife and I can be of the same mind. The children adapts well in school.” – Brother One, Kunming, Yunnan


* …If a man would give all the substance of his house for love, He would utterly be contemned. (Song of Solomon 8:7)

Song of Solomon 5-8: Love by its very nature is freely given and freely accepted, same like God’s love towards man.

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