Knowing God and Being Known by God!

Everyday New Testament, Galatians Add comments
Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” (v.6)

Sons and Servants

Sons — Believers call on the “Abba, Father” from within the heart; this is the work of the Holy Spirit, and confirms the son’s life. (v6)

Servant — The son turning into a servant, moving from the glory of grace back to a slave under the law, this is a big falling in life. (v9)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Galatians 4


Sister YW LAM/HK/林月雲 now rests in the perfect peace of the Lord. Thoughts for her from saints around the world:

* She has done her best and most: we served together at Tuen Mun Hall, we went to the same home meeting for more than 20 years. – WK KWAN/Toronto/關永強

* She is my model in God. She earned her crown of life! She took care of me since I was child. I will always remember her sweet smile and gentle character.- Shirley WONG/Canada/黄細玲

* May God comfort her husband Kwai Kwong/鄧桂光 -TSOI Si Kit/Calgary/蔡仕傑

* 40 years ago she taught me a story about black people cannot change their color by bathing just like we cannot wash away our sins by ourselves. – Peggy MY YIP/HK/葉美燕

* She taught me hymns for kids in a park, 36 years ago and it has kept me in joy ever since: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior…” – Sam KONG

* No sorrows! Brave the way ahead! – Sister LU/HK/呂師母

* In Him, we have the hope of glory.  Emil WT LOK/Canada/駱禾泰

* Let the weak and wearied listen – The Lord’s Revealing

- (020912 HK, by Samuel CHING/程蒙恩, Cantonese) on Luke 24

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* But the people have not returned to him who struck them, nor have they sought the Lord Almighty.  (Isaiah 9:13)

Isaiah 8-10: God strikes us to have us return to Him; this is the heart of the Father.

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