The March of Grace!

Ephesians, Everyday New Testament Add comments
Blessed be the God…who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. (v3)

Life’s Blessings

1. God’s Election – Being chosen is Christians’ greatest blessing. It is all in God’s soverignty, not our conscious choice, nor our active participation. (v4)

2. God’s Will – The universe is not working without a direction. It revolves around God’s plan, so should our life, yours and mine. (v5)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Ephesians 1


* Pray for the YEUNG family, father and son LH and ML (楊聯豪、楊萬年父子) in Canada – “The doctor says mother’s condition is not good. With medication, her heart has 20% function…may the Lord have mercy. This morning father visited mother in the hospital, the whole family prayed. Even though there’s suffering on the outside, there’s inner peace from the Lord. May the Lord revive the four of us, brothers and sisters to love the Lord and to continue mother’s role model in life. – ML Yeung (Quebec City)”


* …But ye looked not unto him that had done this, neither had ye respect unto him that purposed it long ago. (Isaiah 22:11)

Isaiah 19-22: Man mend and gather, in hope of sort outing our broken life. But men fail to see God’s desire is for man to turn back and rely on Him.

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