Thy Voice, my choice!

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
And this is the sign to you… a babe … lying in a manger.

3 signs of our Lord — the manger, the cross & the empty tomb?v.1…13?:
1. He humbly poured out himself in the manger — The greatest life is a humble one!
2. He suffered and sacrificed on the cross — Love and sacrifice are the spring of power & salvation.
3. The empty tomb witnesses resurrection and life everlasting — Can people find sign & hope which transcend death – in our lives?!

? The Taiwan writer Chong Chao Cheng wrote about an old Bible his father left to him – which was full of his father’s hand script. His father made a red full stop after reading every sentence. Few decades passed and the whole Bible became red. He remained healthy till 86 and even till his death! Chong saw this Bible, and knew that his father “had a substantial life, and he also passed away in peace”

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