God so Great?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
I am not come to call righteous [ persons ], but sinful [ ones ] to repentance.

4 Ways to turn from failure to success :
1. Be brave to make changes according to Lord’s words?v.4…7? — Keep watch for Lord’s order when frustrated, and make strategic adjustments!
2. Knee before Lord and keep on telling Him?v.12…13?— Call on Lord till your last breathe!
3. Share your burden with spiritual friends?v.17…26?— Keep close with saints, since their care and prayer can bring out miracles!
4. Don’t be late in seeking doctor?v.27…32?– Let the Lord to diagnose so He can grant you new life!

? 2 days before I met Bro Bill from Australia. Once he was trapped in the desert for 14 weeks with his wife and children -when he was young. He was an atheist. He asked his wife whether they will all die, his wife replied that Lord will save her; therefore He is going to save him also. Rescue really came, but Bill ignored this miracle & the Lord. But still he become a pastor later on , bringing gospel to native Australian with his family despite all hardship . He had even raised 5 children! (to be continued)

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