God so Near?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
… Fear not; henceforth you shall be catching men? <5:10>

Lord among Men– 4 changes He brought about :
1. Failure into success ?v.1…11?
2. Sickness healed ?v.12…16?
3. Sins forgiven ?v.17…26?
4. Old into new ?v.27…39?
Lord, we need?!

? The brilliant writer Lau Hap ???????,has once wrote about his father bringing back a little book ”Stream in the Desert” which benefited her whole life. Her father was wronged in the army, feeling resentful, and soon fled with that book. He read it every morning just after he woke up, finding much comfort from God. 25 years passed, till the darkness was over and the book torn. When he passed away, his wife put that book into his hands. Lau said the book accompanied both her and her father for 30+ years, and had also accompanied her father to another world.

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