A Church Without Wall! Praises Without An End!

Corinthians 1, Everyday New Testament Add comments
None Of Me! It’s All Him!
…. but in mind be men. (v20)

Seek That Ye May Abound Unto The Edifying Of The Church. (v12):

1. Be simple and feeble like an infant when being zealous of spiritual gifts.
2. Be mature and strong like a grown-up when being exercising gifts in edifying the church.

今日聖經: I Co 14a

* ZM HSU/ 徐宗敏 was born at the time of war and chaos. Her mother fled with her on the last boat for Kaohsiung. In the midst of turmoil while escaping, a new born as she was, she was dropped on the floor and a man behind stepped over her. She was reckoned dead on the spot. When her mother picked her up, the cough in the baby girl brought her back to life. Later the entire house of Hsu believed in the Lord and ZM has been travelling around the world with Bro. Dixon IP/葉特生, preaching the Word of God. Story in this month’s Chinese Today (by Chinese Christian Ministry/中信月刊).

* How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! (Psalm 139:17)
Psalm 138-141: ‘How precious also are thy thoughts unto me”! What God promises and commits is everlasting. He will never give up on what He has created.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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