Beareth All Things!

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We All Need One Other!
…but that the members should have the same care one for another. (v25)

Saints Are Interdependent, Perfecting One Another:

1. Seek not for vainglory; do not feel inferior and withdraw. Take heed not to fall into division and frictions in religious doctrines.
2. In lowliness of mind, we each count others better than self; join in love caring for one another.

今日聖經: I Corinthians 12

* At the turning of the great age, we wake to sense and repent. As militant CK WANG/黄志强 moved from the Mainland China to Taiwan, he sworn he would never step foot on a church. But one day, when standing next to a church, he saw a cross and heard the hymn which he recalled was his school hymn! It was a gospel meeting at the time, they sang hymn “Jesus Never Changes” and the speaker was Wu Yong. He could not stop his tears and accepted Jesus that instance, steadfastly following the Lord since.

* Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Jehovah. (Psalm 130:1)
Psalm 130-134: “Out of the depths” is where the repentance of our spirit lies and is also the beginning of the prayer of a sorrowful person. God will naturally listen.

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