Light In The Dark!

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine Add comments
Life So Bright And Beautiful! 120913
… beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord,… (v18b)

Lord! May Your Light Of Glory Brighten My Heart!

1. May I continually turn to the Lord and let all filth and sin be kept away from me!
2. May I be fully drenched by the Holy Spirit and granted the strength to give glory to God!

今日聖經: 2 Co 3

* ZQ HUANG/黃志强, a brother faithful in gospel ministry all his life, has many adventures to share. Back in 1988, he visited the house of SUN Li-Jen孫立人, a renowned general whom he followed when young. HUANG testified to the old man how he became a pastor and led him to pray. SUN, at the time almost 90 years old, was greatly touched and burst in tears. HUANG went around the world seeking for lost sheep, he also led the seventy-third generation grand-daughter of Confucius to salvation in the Lord.

* A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil; But the fool beareth himself insolently, and is confident. (Proverbs 14:16)
Proverbs13-16: “fearth” is a sensation of dread in making a wrong move in life. For the wise, it is a defense mechanism, saving him from blending with the evil

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