Be Generous In Giving What God Gives You!

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine Add comments
A Generous Giver Sees Greater Of God’s Grace! 170913
But as ye abound in everything…see that ye abound in this grace also (v7)

The Outpour Of True Love:

1. Giving with love is the most effective way to touch people to turn to God and to love God.
2. A church blessed with gifts from God should manifest the true love of Christ all the more.

今日聖經: 2 Co 8

* In Shanghai, when Ah Qing was still young, she was sick and lost her left eye. Since then, she shut herself up, constantly crying and suicidal… Thanks to all the missionaries from UK, Australia, New Zealand sending her God’s good news of life, she was so deeply touched by Isaiah 53:4-6 that she accepted the Lord and consecrated her life to God, becoming a faithful servant, helping countless people. Let’s also look up Isaiah 53:4-6 and see what it says.

Every word of God is tried: He is a shield unto them that take refuge in him. (Proverbs 30:5)
Proverbs 29-31: “Tried” is being able to withstand the test of time and circumstances. This is the quality of God’s Word being forever true and the most trust-worthy.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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