Strong Though Appearing Weak!

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine Add comments
An Honor Though Suffering!
Wherefore I take pleasure in weaknesses…in distresses, for Christ’s sake… (v10)

Distress Turns Into Pleasure, Weakness Turns Into Strength

1. In distress, with God’s presence, we can sing with joy.
2. In weakness, rest on the power of Christ, we can stand up strong.

今日聖經: 2 Co 12

* In his ZQ HUANG/黃志强 autobiography “Legendary Years/傳奇歲月”, he recalls his reunion with mother whom he has been separated for 45 years. He used every opportunity to be the Lord’s witness to his relatives, neighbors and villagers. They were all captivated and everyone blessed. The full story can be found in CITIC published “Legendary Years” (in Chinese)


I am a rose of Sharon, A lily of the valleys. As a lily among thorns, So is my love among the daughters. (Song of Solomon 2:1-2)
Song of Solomon 1-4: Rose and lily are only wild flowers but in the eye of the one who loves us, we are distinctly different.

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