Be Pure At Heart And Wise In Discerning!

Galatians, Voice Divine Add comments
Able To Discern The Real From The Fake!
I marvel that ye are… unto a different gospel (v6)

What Is Fake Gospel?

1. Take heed of any teachings that confuses or modifies that of the authority of the Bible. It is heresy!
2. Be careful of any teachings that deviates from the teaching that Christ is the one and only savior. It is heresy!

今日聖經: Gal 1

* Ah Ying is a domestic helper in HK. She is diligent and loyal. Her employer is a capable lawyer married to a senior doctor. She often shares with Ah Ying her problems with her husband. Ah Ying would pray with her and helped her ride through the storm. And later, her husband also accepted the Lord and is fervent serving Him. With God all things are possible.


There are threescore queens, and fourscore concubines, And virgins without number. My dove, my undefiled, is but one… (Song of Solomon 6:8-9)
Song of Solomon 5-8: “Is but one” whether as individuals or as a corporate body, it is our position in the Lord’s heart, a position that surpasses all else and irreplaceable.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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