Sustain the Weak?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
… No one having laid his hand on the plough and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God. <9:62>

Into the way of the cross with Him– be separated, be relentless & be absolute:
1. Be separated … Desire nothing from the world when walking with Lord ?v.57…58?
2. Be relentless … Please God first & have no comprises with men ?v.59…60?
3. Be absolute … Faith is a way that has no return! Follow HIm! ?v.61…62?

? Walk with God with humble heart — The scientists estimated that after 4 billions years ,the sun will “grow” 50% bigger, and be 1000 times brighter than now. This will burn all cars, buildings & cities on earth. The temperature of the sun is closely related with the fate of human beings. But even the sun is only a small potato in the universe, since there are 200 billions suns in the galaxy! On the other hand, the galaxy we situated is revolving with a speed of 0.79 million km an hour, but it still needs 0.2 billion years to turn a round! Just imagine there are numerous galaxies in the universe, & our galaxy is just like a small island in a great sea of heaven! O God, we worship thee!

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