Walk with Me?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
…let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me;

2 dimensions of expansion of God’s kingdom :
1. training new Followers : choosing and sending out promising disciples ?9:1…9?
2. caring for all : preaching and supplying all in need ?9:10…17?

? our church runs a series of sermons on the topic “Walking with God”. They are nice and wonderful. 5 secrets of walking with God :
1. Walking with God In Spirit
2. Walking with God In God’s words
3. Walking with God In faith
4. Walking with God In love
5. Walking with God with a humble & obedient heart
? The one loved by God is sick…Bro Walter Yam fin Singapore was sick. Though he is discharged from hospital, he didn’t fully recover. Pls pray for him. Sister Lam Yue Wan ??? in HK had her
electrotherapy completed. The result is good.Thank God & prayers from everyone of you.

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