Walk in Light!

John 1, Voice Divine Add comments
And the world is passing, and its lust, but he that does the will of God abides for eternity. <2:17>

Safeguard in the crisis-ridden world?
1.Obeying Lord’s words?v.1…17? …By the redemption of our mediator we can love each other in light. Observe clearly the vanity of the world and the permanence of God’s will !
2.Abide in the Lord?v.18…29?…The teachings of men are limited; but the Spirit and the anointment are with us forever giving us teaching in all occasions!

? Sister Heidi Tsui in HK is going to have electrotherapy (21 times). Her heart-talk after 1st treatment : “…without any fear, I enjoyed the presence of God. No one is beside me during the electrotherapy, only my Lord is with me. How close and sweet it was…my worries all gone…there are 20 more times coming, but my Lord will carry me through…thanks for all yr prayers & support from you brothers & sisters.”

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