He Cares?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
… journeying came to him, and seeing him, was moved with compassion…

2 basic skills in serving Lord :
1. Spend time to pause and following the Spirit’s call ?v.25…37?
2. Spend time to sit down and listen to Lord’s voices speaking in your heart?v.38…42?

? we mentioned about Bro Bill from Australia. At 10:00pm , a night in 1982 , a man with a gun approached their home, threatened his family with 5 kids. Bill & his wife invited the man in house and had a cup of tea. The gunner calm down, followed the couple to pray ! Bill recalled another event in 1980. He met a youth who had mental disorder at a small town in southwest of Alice Springs. The youth wielded an axe & nobody could stop him. Situation was critical. Bill found a brother just came up from another city, so he asked him to pray together, in the name of Lord, to calm the man. As soon as they opened their eyes, the axe was on the floor, the man knelt down & surrendered. Pray together with a merciful heart in God’s power!

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