Be Loyal?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
… you lay upon men burdens heavy to bear, and yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers.

Man takes look of outside, God sees the heart inside :
1. Are we light from within? ?v.33…36?
2. Are we clean in our hearts? ?v.37…53?

?Yesterday we farewell 90-year-old pastor Wong Kwok Yan???. He came from large family – his father had 10 wives. He walked with God for 55 years (I was just born in the year he started to serve the Lord!). Saints from 4 generations recalled his life yesterday night: he was faithful to what God entrusted him, serving a small church in a few decades (I was baptized there 30 yrs ago). He did it all by faith, not longing for rewards nor worldly fame; not even asked for salary, he depended on no strategy but only prayers, familiar with the Words, teaching with love & care, brought up many full-time workers of Lord – now even his granddaughter is near graduate from seminary schoo l. God seeks for real fruits from man rather than …

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