Do justly?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
… Strive with earnestness to enter in through the narrow door…

Our safety is bounded with God’s will – keep forward today & tomorrow :
1. Be neither obsequious nor arrogant towards the wicked?v.31…33?— To live freely, just follow the Father’s timetable. Submit to God no matter dead or alive!
2. Care for your relatives’ pains and hurts?v.34…35?— Pray for & give out to your relatives , lead them to God – this is narrow way of self denying!

?Yeung Ying Sui,???, the boss of Prince of Peace Ent Inc., is a devoted Christian. He mainly sells ginseng tea and has got dealerships of many famous brands. He has also helped many orphans. When Yeung got the American dealership of the Tiger Balm ?????. , he did not know how to promote it in US. He could only tell God in prayers. Soon he knew from TV that Joe Montana the American football star got twisted. Yeung wrote a letter to greet him and attached a bottle of Tiger Balm. Joe was greatly comforted & found the medicine useful. Afterward Joe helped in advertisement , charged only $25,000 instead of US$350,000 for that promotion..) Turn out the sales increased 8 times and many famous brands employed Yueng to be their dealers! With the attitude of a steward, pray in every occasions, and you will encounter miracles in your work.
?”The Way of Walking with God” – by James Chu ??? from NY (In both Cantonese / Mandarin?(click)

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