Walk Humbly with God?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
… A certain man made a great supper and invited many. <14:16>

Woe to the proud , but blessed are the humble :
1. Who is the host??v.7…11? — The guests like to pick the first seats — since the closer is to the host, the more respected will be the guest.
2. Who will be the guests? ?v.12…24?– But true success and value are measured by our distance from God!

?3 Words for a life – Lam Ching Yee ??? has a birthmark on her left cheek which makes her feel inferior. She was disappointed in love when studing in University of Pittsburgh in US. She tried to commit suicide by taking 100 sleeping pills a time & was sent to psychiatric hospital afterward. But a couple, (a professor & wife), visited her everyday, telling her“Jesus loves you!”Lam said that these 3 words“created overwhelming shock of echo ”in her heart. Dischared from hospital, the couple read Bible with her everyday. The Lord’s Spirit filled her & she worked energetically with courage. Soon she completed her courses in graduate school & got married with her boyfriend in Christ, they served the Lord in one accord The Lord’s love & words can save lives – don’t hide it but share it more with others!

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