Love Kindness?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
… Go out into the ways and fences and compel to come in, that my house may be filled; <14:23>

The Christians’ life — Feast but not Funeral ?Lk 14:15…24?:
1. We are joyful – since God’s grace is as abundant as a great feast ! (v.17?
2. We are joyful – since God is still inviting guests– share God’s love with all your might – invite people to come to the feast! (v.22…34?

? In 23/11, 1899 the famous D.L. Moody preached for the last time in Kansas of US. The topic is “Excuses” (Lk 14:15-24). He said – I haven’t been, throughout my life time, so eager to lead people to Christ as this moment!.. At that time he was seriously sick, but he still called many to God’s feast – 50 believed Jesus on that day. A month later he was called back to heaven.
?Walk with God and have a beautiful life — “Secret of Walking with God”?by Samuel Ching from HK, in Cantonese?(click)

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