Open My Eyes! Your Grace Is Immense!

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Sing a heavenly song! – Ark Channel 040620 Thu John 9b

…’Lord, I believe,’ and he worshiped him.” (v.38)

Seeing You personally!
1. Personally-experienced faith is true faith, bringing a multitude of glory!
2. Encountering the Lord, with a story, is how we have an undefeatable spiritual vision.

John 9:24-41

* “What in the World Is God Doing?” is a book by Ted Engstrom. In there he recounts three Korean workers in China, who after coming to Christ brought their Bibles back to Korea. The first, who put it in his luggage, was martyred after it was uncovered. The second tore out the pages of the Bible, but was also found out and martyred. The third made the pages of the Bible into a rope, safely crossed the border, and quietly preached the Gospel. Later when other missionaries arrived, the seeds of the Gospel were already spread. .

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