Remaining in Him?

John 1, Voice Divine Add comments
…the anointing you received from Him remains in you…?v.27?

Keep your love of Father?
1.Love not the world?v.15…17?… Don’t indulge yourselves in material possessions, nor be proud of them. Do you still love the Father in your heart?
2.Abide in the Lord?v.18…29? …False-Christs & Antichrists are emerging everywhere. Pay attention to anointment of Spirit. Our Lord is still speaking to your heart !

?The Ark Channel reported the great thirst for gospel in Africa, response from saints is great. Sister Epo felt the calling of the Lord & asked sincerely about the going to Africa .(I’ve already sent related information to her). Pray for Epo.
?Another friend ,Caleb Chu who is working in Africa now ,send letter to me: ”It is CALEB CHU …, I worked in Africa- Angola for 1 month. I found that in this poor country, but many many church!!! You can see the Name “Jesus” and a “cross” in many small house, particularly the poor area. Thank Jesus, that Blessed Angola, a country suffered 30 year civil war and majority is christian and cathod. I also Pray for this country!”

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