My Soul doth Wait?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
for I have five brothers…

Having the whole family saved & meet in eternity future :
1. The rich man down in the Hades — Not because he is rich, but because he was an unfaithful steward – worshipping wealth as his God?v.19… 22?
2. The poor man put in paradise — Not because he is among the proletariat, but because he listened to God’s words?v.23 …31?
Share the Words of God with our friends when they are still alive!

?Businessman Cho Wing Charm ??? and his wife had been devoted Buddhist, but Mrs. Cho believed in Jesus after the 5-year-long persuasion by her daughter. A month later , Cho thought again and again, finally also prayed in the phone with his daughter . Now whole family surrendered to Christ .They cleansed the entire Buddha hall at home, the idols piled up to a truck’s capacity! From then they held gospel groups at their home, leading many to the true God.?Cho had written“100 Questions about a Changed Life”…Q&A explaining the Christian faith to Buddhists?

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