Peter Imprisoned, The Church Prayed!

Acts Add comments

Wait For The Unshakable Kingdom! Ark Channel 130720 Mon Acts 12

But the word of God grew and multiplied. (v24)

Bitterness Drives Us To Pray!
1. God saved Peter but not James. Life and death is in the Lord’s sovereignty.
2. Powerful emperors think of themselves as god, provoking anger from above. But the word of God continues to grow and multiply.


* In Cambodia, there is a legendary person SokSophon who was once a Khmer Rouge commander. One time, a wounded soldier gave him a Bible. At that time, he had a mistress, smoked a lot and had a drinking problem…He earnestly asked God to purify his soul and do good. He finally believed and quit smoking and alcohol…Today he is a pastor, consecrated his life to serve God.

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