Devote to God?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it… <17:33>

Are you taken or left over ?
1. In the past , Lot’s wife took a look backward & was left over for judgment?v.26…29?
2. Today, we should look up everyday so that we can be taken by Lord.?v.30…35?

?Bro.Timothy & his wife from Canada visited us recently. Timothy has a drug-addicted father and a illiterate mother. But he was brought to God when he was young, and his father also quitted drug after believing Christ. Timothy was zealously to God ever since he came to church. Once even when he was robbed, he remembered to give a gospel leaflet to the thief. His reason was that the thief was most needed by Jesus if he needed to commit crime !!

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