The Whole House Will Be Saved – Sunday Hope_19/07/2020

Acts, Sunday Hope Add comments

And the Prisoners were Listening to Them! – Sunday Hope 190720 Acts 16a

So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily. (v.5)

New face of Europe – key to God’s blessings (v1-37):
1. A new co-worker joining (Timothy)1. A new co-worker joining (Timothy)
2. A new calling so uplifting (Macedonia)
3. A new fruit of gospel of vitality (Philippi)
* Treasure talents, heed the heavenly calling, be bold in evangelising, to the glory of Jesus’ name!


* Despite disturbances on earth, we have harmony in heaven.
Listen to the First Baptist Dallas Choir & Orchestra – Holy, Holy, Holy

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