Pray Unceasing!

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
…he that humbles himself shall be exalted.

Only those who pray never despair :
1. The widow has no husband to speak for him — But we have our Lord who plead for us !?v.1…5?
2. Even unjust judge speaks for the widow — Will God not bring about justice for his chosen ones??v.6…8?

?My friend Timothy used to went to arcades & parks to seek the lost sheep in Canada. One day he met an old friend—a brother also from HK. The brother looked alone, later learnted in conversation that his wife was sick, and he was laid off, now a daughter was left to him to take care…he nearly collapsed under pressure. Suicide seemed tempting to him. Timothy comforted him at once, and he kept on visiting the brother , encouraging him afterward. He accompanied this brother in reading Bible & praying till he got a better job. Now the distressed brother went to church again. On the other hand Timothy continues to use all his time in searching the lost souls, bringing groups of immigrants to Christ.

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