Give Up , Go Up?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
…to seek and to save that which is lost. <19:10>

3 Ways Proving Jesus is Lord :
1. The Saviour who finds the lost (v.1…10) … Our greediness have hurt many!
2. The Lord who rewards the faithful?v.11…27? … Overcome the “poverty” in our mind – give out unceasingly to others!
3. The King who brings peace?v.28…48?… Though we all welcome Jesus , yet our hearts rejecting Jesus secretly? Or we do welcome Him from our hearts?

? a new believer- Bro Chow Kam Lung’s little son was in danger , and the Ark Channel requested for prayers. Saints asked about his present situation , here the news — “Thanks to Lord! Chow Pak Wing (the 6-year-old child) is discharged from hospital. He is going to undergo 32 days of steroids treatment . The child’s physical condition stable. Doctor arranging further consultation on his eyes, since steroids may affect his sight. Pls continue to pray for this family, that Chow’s wife can believe in Jesus & child be protected.” —- fr Bro Cheung Tao in Christ 06/5/4

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