Asleep or Awake! Thy Presence My Light!

Corinthians 1 Add comments

When one part suffers, all parts suffer! – Ark Channel 030920 Thu 1 Cor 12

…so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. (v.25)

The saints each have unique gifts! (v.14-20):
1. Let us recognize that all parts have their use, and none can be left behind
2. Everyone is unique, and God has His sovereign plan for us
* Each person is different, each person is precious!

1 Corinthians 12

* Book recommendation: 9 beautiful lives, and their stories. In “God Can Use You”, moving stories of missionaries. There is an online version available. May God use this book to encourage more youth to love all souls!

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