Lonely Path!

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
… immediately he saw, and followed Him<18:43>

Two keys for seeking the Lord — determination & faith :
1) Recognising our saviour deep in our heart — in whatever situation — poverty, blindness and sufferings. Even sometimes the Lord does not take immediate action to heal you, stand firm by faith and you will overcome eventually!
2) Only listen to Jesus — do tell Him your needs to receive grace from Him; follow Christ thereafter.

* young sister, Epo, went to Myanmar for evangelism. Her report : “during transportation, a missionary get off the car to pick up his hat as it was blew off by wind. Then we found that we were at the wrong direction! God led us the way by that hat! During training, we studied the book of Amos, The Purpose Driven Life, the study of love and marriage in view of Christianity, the content of Worship and gospel testimony. There were lots of dogs around, but seems that they did not have enough sleep at night — they slept soundly during daytime. That’s good because I’m very afraid of dogs. I recalled when David entered the camp of Saul, God let everyone fall asleep and David could enter freely (1 Sam 26:12) May God widen our horizons. We do not only look after our own house but work hard with other saints for the work of God to commit the commandments (Mark 12:30-31) and the mission (Mat 28:19-20) ”

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