Shining In The Dark!

Corinthians 1 Add comments

Labor Even More! Ark Channel 070920 Mon 1 Cor 15a

…yet not I, but the grace of God with me. (v10)

God’s Grace With Us (v5, 7, 10)!
1. Did Cephas, James, Paul ever denied the Lord, did not believe in the Lord, persecuted the Lord?
2. Yet the three of them were transformed to become martyrs and the pillars of the church, who else but the Lord?
* The power of the resurrected Christ is always beside us in this rugged path!
1 Corinthians 15:1-34

1 Corinthians 15 1-34

* Recently I read brother Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen’s mission to preach the the great love of God in Sumatra, Indonesia. He lived in the valleys with the primitive tribes for more than 50 years. Established the peace village Huta Dame, saved thousands of natives. Ludwig always showed patience and mercy, endured peacefully all the persecution and ridicule, spoke only from the Bible and bore fruit in abundance.

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