Not Asleep! But Being Changed!

Corinthians 1 Add comments

Trumpet Will Sound, Dead Will Be Raised! Ark Channel 080920 Tue 1 Cor 15b

…be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord… (v58)

The Lord Has Resurrected, He Will Come Quickly!
1. Steadfast belief in the dead will be raised gives us a different perspective on death (1 Cor 15)
2. Hope in the coming life gives us willingness to offer our life and riches for other’s welfare (1 Cor 16)

1 Corinthians 15 35-58

* Here we have Mandy who is newly saved. She practiced witchcraft for the past 26 years. A Christian invited her to a meeting and after 12 lessons, she clearly understood there is only one God in this universe and she accepted Christ as her Savior. This past Lord’s Day she was baptized into the Lord’s name in a river as God’s child! She is joyful, loves God and loves others, fervent to preach the gospel and is keen to attend meetings. She proactively asked us to join a prayer meeting and we prayed together. May the Lord bless this sister and together we will spread the gospel to the community, to be built up on the holy faith. – from Timothy & wife in Calgary, Canada

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