Father’s cup!

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
…Why sleep you? rise up and pray that you enter not into temptation. <22:46>

The longest Night — 5 Unforgettable Events?a?:
1. The Lonely Garden?v.39?… in Gethsemane—the place of pressing olive, Jesus walked forward in God’s will. Loneliness & pain draw people nearer to the Father.
2. The Bitter Cup?v.40…46?… fear not, for there must be tough times in life, but also angels in every situation.
3. The Killing Kiss?v.47…48?… we shuld know that men’s hearts are cunning. Only the Father never changes!

?Lau Pui Chit ??? involved in gangs in his youthhood. He practiced qigong, once invited a Buddhist statue from a famous temple in Beijing & worship at home. But both his thoughts and life were corrupted. In 96’ he went to US from China to further his studies .Lau knew Christ through learning martial arts . yet he still wanted to worship both God & Buddha, until one night when reading Matthew “Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only”?4:10?. So he got off his bed and threw away all the stuff related with idols. And later the Lord really called him to serve with full time.

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