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Corinthians 2 Add comments

We look forward to the time He will save us! – Ark Channel 100920 Thu 2 Cor 1

Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us… (v.21)

We live the rest of our lives in His grace!
1. In this life we have troubles, but we also have God’s salvation! (v.10)
2. In suffering, we love our fellow saints in the church, and God will protect us. (v.15-20)
* What positive contributions are those who publicly slander and are jealous of God’s work making today?

2 Corinthians 1

* James rovers USA (5) – The Lord has led me from from the Far East to North America, and has given me the chance to travel through cities preaching the gospel. I am now at 19 cities, 76 venues! Praise the Lord, from Virginia’s beaches to Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and now Maine. In every church, through preaching and communion, we strengthen the believers, and bring people to Christ. May the Lord remember this, and save many souls.

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