Extra Grace?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
Watch therefore, praying at every season, that you may … stand before the Son of man. <21:36>

Blueprint of the last hours — overview of multi-dimensional prophecies :
1. Sure to happen?v.5…33?… Jerusalem will be destructed,?v.5?20?disasters, wars, persecution of Christians won’t stop, false Christ will appear…BUT at last the Lord will come!
2. Be alert flee?v.34…36? … Keep our hearts watching the changes in world situations . Also pray & look upon the Lord endlessly, so that we can stand before the Son of Man!

?Bro Yeung Oi Ching ??? recalled during great famine in China in 1960’s , 30 millions died, his mother prayed everyday. Once her daughter picked a potato, she baked it into 5 pieces , then gave thanks for it. During these hard times, Yeung used to listen to his mother singing the verses from Habakkuk,“For though the fig tree has no flowers, and there is no fruit on the vine, and work on the olive comes to nothing, and the fields give no food; and the flock is cut off from its resting place, and there is no herd in the cattle house; Still I will be glad in the Lord, my joy will be in the God of my salvation.” <3:17…18> Don’t forget to give thanks when you have meals today!

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