Prayer is Power?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
… This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. <22:19>

“Do this in memory of me” —- the moment when God and man meet :
1. Lord is the Lamb?v.1…16? — The Son of God offered himself as true Lamb of the Passover. Lord, we thank you forever!
2. Lord’s bread and cup?v.17…18?— By which God’s righteousness uphold & His mercy established. Lord, we worship you with all our hearts!

? Again, tomorrow?12/5 afternoon in HK?Uncle Tong??, who had been imprisoned for 9 times and repented in jail, will preach gospel with me in a secondary school. Back us up with yr prayers !
?Chiu Au Yeung Pik ???? the 80-year-old sister is still zealous in preaching the gospel. She was hurt by a fall after gathering and had been in the hospital for 10+ days. The whole ward heard the gospel from her. She is back to Toronto to recuperate few days ago, may Lord keep & heal her.

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