Giving & Waiting!

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
And a hair of your head shall in no wise perish. <21:18>

A story even moves the Lord :
1) Two days before Jesus was crucified – in the great time of sufferings, Jesus sought for console and He saw a poor widow offered everything to God. (v1-2)
2) The two coins from the poor widow – God wants us to reply His great love with our life! (v3-4) If we live for Him at all cost, the Lord knows and He will reward!

* I meet Margaret Chiu from Toronto last week. She almost lost sight over the past 5 years. She relied on God, prayed endlessly and walked with God everyday. Finally miracle happened. She gained back sight after surgery. Having both eyes of her body and heart opened. Margaret encouraged us to love and serve the Lord wholeheartedly and preach the gospel !

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