A Time to Gather, A Time to Scatter! Sunday Hope_13/09/2020

Corinthians 2, Sunday Hope Add comments

Everlasting Glory! – Sunday Hope 130920 2 Cor 4

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. (v7)

Serving God, my glory in life!
1. Earthen vessel vs the treasure – Our outward man is perishing, but our inward man is going strong day after day (4:1-15)
2. Temporary vs eternal – He who walks by faith and not by sight, being led by the Holy Spirit, will be the ultimate winner (4:16-5:10)

2 Corinthians 4

* Music master Beethoven suffered from serious intestinal disease in his later years. With deep reflection from his near death experience he composed the sublime Heiliger Dankgesang . He penned this note on the musical score “a holy song of thanksgiving of a convalescent to the Deity”. Amid the pandemic lockdown and isolation, it can be soothing to listen again to this masterpiece and offer gratitude to the God of Most High.

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