Life is a Silent Example!

Corinthians 2 Add comments

Let Us Glory in the Lord! – Ark Channel 190920 Sat 2 Cor 10

… bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (v. 5)

1. Weapons of an apostle – humility, courage, gentleness, peace, might (v1-6)
2. Authority of an apostle – Experience in the Lord for edifying the Church (v7-11)
3. Territory of an apostle – defined and entrusted by the God (v12-18)
* Power abuse of God’s worker. Horrible!
Random attack at God’s servant. Detestable!

2 Corinthians 10

* Mild and genteel TUNG Yuk-yiu/佟毓耀once cheated on his wife. Read his journey from rejection to reunion, the story of a man’s heart:the story of a man’s heart

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