In The Knowledge Of HIM!

Ephesians Add comments

Be Holy & Blameless! Ark Channel 290920 Tue Ephesians 1

just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world… (v4)

Truly Knowing The Church, You Will See Its Greatness!
1. The church is chosen and predestined by God the Father (v3-6)
2. The church is the redemption and inheritance of the Lord Jesus Christ (v7-12)
3. The church is sealed and the pledge of the Holy Spirit (13-14)

Ephesians 1

* An Indonesian domestic helper of a sister was fearful of the pandemic. The sister talked with her and the Indonesian helper accepted the Lord and desires the truth. In the past 2-3 months, they have completed Matthew and Luke. Every night at 9pm the helper would wait with her Bible for the reading time. They are now reading the Book of Acts.
The helper said the night she accepted the Lord, she had a dream of her friend being trapped in a burning house and she has left the house. Her friend cried out from the house: now that you are no longer in danger, why don’t you bring me with you?

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