Bear With One Another in Love!

Ephesians Add comments

With All Lowliness, Meekness, Long-suffering! – Ark Channel 021020 Fri Ephesians 4

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. (v.3)

Markers of the person reborn:
1. Rejects the devil, ditches lies. Maybe unsatisfied, but does not sin. Does not repeat old mistakes. Will do the right things.
2.Abstains himself from filthy words, instead speaks words of grace. Why grieve the Holy Spirit? Shun bitterness and treat each other with grace!

Ephesians 4

* XY XU/許薰尹 gave everything to serve in her marriage and family, but still became a single mom. One day, in tears she put down her stubbornness in front of the Lord, and experienced miraculous grace and blessing.
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