Righteous Path to a Brighter Future! Sunday Hope_04/10/2020

Ephesians, Sunday Hope Add comments

A Glorious Church in Turbulent Times! – Sunday Hope 041020 Ephesians 6

praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit…. (v18)

God’s great plan for us – Live out faith!
1. Salvation of the Church by the Holy Trinity, an eternal economy of God (Ephesians 1-3)
2. Watchful prayers in family and in workplace relationships, an outflow of God’s life (Ephesians 4-6)

Ephesians 6

* One Day – Choral ensemble in Hebrew/Arabian/English! Genius Israeli conductor Koolulam gathered 3000 people in Haifa, and with just an hour’s practice, accomplished this singing performance on the shared hope for a peaceful future!

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