Act in Love!

Ephesians Add comments

Don’t Live as a Fool! – Ark Channel 031020 Sat Ephesians 5

… submitting to one another in the fear of God. (v.21)

A Stream in the Secular World – three Christian qualities:

1. Dear children of God – living out love in word and in deed, as Christ offered himself as a sacrifice
2. Children of light – bearing fruits of goodness, righteousness and truth, with no deceits
3. People of wisdom – be filled with the Holy Spirit, and submit to each other with fear in God, without self-centredness

Ephesians 5

* * With her scholarly wealth of Bible knowledge, Dr KWOK Hon-lee /郭罕利博士, narrates about the old and new creations, the present age and the age to come, and the hope of the end time, enriched with God’s word and a heart of wisdom. Quiet your heart and listen to this two-hour programme on “Paul’s View of Eschatology — Seeing the Present Time through the Lens of Eternity

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