One God , One Goal?

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
He must increase, but I must decrease. <3:30>

The wisdom of Life?Jn 3:22-30??
1. He will prosper — John, the pioneer of the times, knew very well his mission was to bring people to Christ only!
2. I become less — We will all pass away one day. But what determine our success is whether we can bring the focus of people on the Lord!

?Sunday meditation — Ma Ying Jiu???, the Taiwanese politician, recalled his father’s advice: “My father .. just often reminded me to make a good play when I’m on stage , and to be a silent audience when off stage.” Today we, as men belong to God, are a part of the divine play. Don’t be arrogant or discouraged; just make a good play of your role !
?The 4 gospel meetings in HK this morning bring great harvest, thanks for all the prayers from you!

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