In God’s Way?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
… Behold the Lamb of God. <1:36>

The Mystery — He is eternity !
1. Christ came from Heaven — He exists before time! (v.1)
2. Christ is the Creator — He is God himself (v.3?18)
3. Christ is God’s Ladder — He links up heaven & earth, God& men?v.50…51?Gen28?
4. Christ is Life Eternal — in Him is life ?v.4?

?Our ears are hi-tech products designed by our Creator. When sound waves approaches, the 10.000 auditory hair cells in our ears vibrate accurately and precisely, turning sound waves into nerve impulses. The impulses carry message back to the brain for decoding, processing, filing and deciding responses. These complicated processes are all automatic and are completed within milliseconds. A word “I love you” will generate immediate “shock” between lovers. (The IT support behind is remarkable! ) Can this be resulted by evolution??How much time & effort of IT experts are required in building the intranet in our offices??

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